All donations are gifts made voluntarily to Innovation and Science Promotion Foundation, a non-profit trust, with no conditions. Donors receive a tax receipt from Innovation and Science Promotion Foundation at the time of the donation. Donors who request refunds may not be eligible for tax deductions on their refunded donations.
Refunds may be granted at Innovation and Science Promotion Foundation’s discretion. Refunds are granted only in exceptional circumstances, and only when the funds have not been allocated to the selected cause. Some circumstances in which refunds might be granted include:
- The donation was made in error, was made in an incorrect amount.
- The donation was not authorized by the donor.
To request a refund, please send an email to, from the email address that you entered at the time of making the donation, detailing why you would like to request a refund.
On receipt of your email, you will be notified within two working days, whether your donation is eligible for a refund, or not.
If your donation is eligible for a refund, the same will be credited to the payment method that you used, within 15 working days.